The benefits seen from using a jade roller include an increase in blood circulation, flushing out toxins, toning facial muscles, lymphatic drainage as well as greater serum absorption. To use the jade roller, begin at the middle of your face rolling outwards with light pressure as you roll, also notice any points of tension on you face. Roll up and down along your forehead and jaw, be sure to use light pressure around the eyes using the smaller end of the roller.
The Gua Sha Stone works in a similar fashion however is meant as a more deep facial massage as well as can be used on other areas of the body to release tension. Can be used to release tension in your neck and face as well as other areas of overworked and tight muscles. The action of applying deep pressure can relax you and a wonderful way to start or end your day. We tend to hold a lot of lymphatic fluid in our faces and neck areas so when we stimulate these areas it activates the lymphatic system getting the fluid moving and can leave you with a less puffy face by clearing the toxins from your skin. Improves complexion by increasing blood flow that carries the oxygen to your face which can lessen the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, decrease hyperpigmentation and improve your skins elasticity. Reduction of stress and anxiety with massage of the face and other areas of the body that may be tight or need special attention.
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